IT Update Post Migration

TeamPMGTeamPMG NewsIT Update Post Migration

We are now two weeks post-network migration. Our new provider is called N3i, they have moved all our devices from NECS over to their network. This means all IT issues regarding your computer/laptop, Windows, NHSmail, network/internet need to be raised directly to N3i by the affected user. This can be done online or over the phone (see details below).

There were issues initially with accessing Windows, the S: & H: drives, and printers from our computers and laptops. This has now been resolved. Any further issues with these need to be raised by the affected staff member to N3i.

Scan-to-email is working on all scanners, however there are still intermittent issues with the scan-to-folder function. The digital team are working on this with N3i.

The Zebra printers only need to be used if drawing blood in the appointment, if it’s a FIT test, or for a stool sample. All others should have a postponed request summary printed on A4 paper. Microbiology requests should continue to be printed using labelled A4 ICE printer paper. Click HERE to view the user guide.

The Check It devices are not connected to the new network yet, but a solution has been found so the digital team will be visiting sites over the next week to resolve this.

The check in screens in reception should also now be functioning correctly, and there is a staff wifi (called Govroam) available for use. To log into Govroam, the username is your N3i Windows login plus “”. For example: The password is your N3i Windows password.

N3i have scheduled visits to Queen Ethelberger’s next week to replace their computers and move away from NECS.

Contact Details for N3i:

Telephone: 0300 002 0001

Online: use this link N3i IT Self Service

Desktop: Click the N3i image in the top right hand corner of your screen.

