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We continue to experience extremely high demand for urgent same day appointments today. Our teams are working really hard to manage the high demand as best we can. If you have an urgent problem today please use community pharmacy or NHS111 if you are able to. We want to ensure our appointments are reserved for those most in need. Please call 01904 404100 if you have an urgent problem as our prioryCARE form has been turned off for any new requests

Test Results

A photo showing a patient having their blood taken

Test Results

If you do not hear anything about your results (blood, urine, swab, x-ray etc), please assume these are normal or stable.

Blood/urine/swab results are available on the NHSapp or your online account as soon as they are filed, this does not always mean that the requesting clinician has seen the result. If there is any abnormality that might need action, you will be contacted in due course but please allow time for the requesting clinician to action this (they may have been off on leave/day off). It is important to take in to context your medication, symptoms and the reason for the test - hence why it is often best for the clinician originally involved to decide the next steps.

Text (SMS) is the standard way we communicate results (unless not consented to SMS or result needs further discussion). The results may come in batches, so you may receive more than one text over a number of days. Please make sure we have your up to date mobile phone number and your nominated pharmacy is up to date - you can change this on the NHSapp. If there is no mobile number on record or not appropriate to send an SMS, our reception team may contact you about a result. They might ask you to repeat a test or inform you that a prescription has been arranged.

If you have had an x-ray or scan, these results can take some weeks to come back depending on the waiting times for reporting. You can view these results on the NHSapp/SystmOnline account as soon as they are received by the practice, but this does not necessarily mean the result has been seen and actioned by a clinician. Please be patient with these results, we will inform you of the result if abnormal or action needed. Anything urgent is usually flagged to the practice by the radiology/scanning department, we will contact you if this is the case.

If you do want to contact us about a result, please allow us time to process/action the result (5+ working days for blood tests. Xrays and scans can take 14 – 21+ days to be reported and sent to us from the hospital). You can use the "test results" tile on the prioryCARE form or call 01904 404100.

If a test has been requested or arranged by the hospital please contact that team for the result. We are aware that many results requested by the hospital teams are visible on the Patient Knows Best app before the specialist team has had chance to action the result. Please contact the secretarial team at the hospital rather than the practice if you are concerned.