Have you been invited for your 3 yearly mammogram? Don’t delay in booking your appointment. Anyone registered with a GP as female will be invited for NHS breast screening every 3 years between the ages of 50 and 71. You'll get a letter in the post inviting you. You'll automatically get your first invite for breast screening between the ages of 50 and 53. Then you'll be invited every 3 years until you turn 71. During breast screening you'll have 4 breast X-rays (mammograms), 2 for each breast. The mammogram only takes a few minutes and the whole appointment should take about 30 minutes. ➡️ https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/breast-screening-mammogram/ ➡️ https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/our-services/organdonation/a-z-of-services/breast-screening-service/
Women's Health
Womens Health
We run dedicated women's health clinics, offering a range of services including fitting coils, pessaries and implants. Clinicians are specially trained to perform these procedures.
Smear Test/Cervical Screening
Did you know cervical screening saves 4000 lives every year?
Arranging a smear test (cervical screening) has never been easier. We have evening and weekend clinics available and you can access appointments by phone, the NHS app or by using the online prioryCARE system (choose nurse appointments > smear test) and our reception team will get in touch with you to book.
Our contraception service is mainly nurse led; we are able to offer oral, implant and injectable contraceptive options. If you would like to discuss any of these then please use the prioryCARE form and choose the "nurse appointment" tile then contraception.
Coil fitting and exchange is available and we ask that you submit a routine appointment request using the online form or phone us to discuss.
Emergency contraception and advice re termination is also available.
HRT and the Menopause
We run specialist pharmacist led clinics for patients needing a HRT review. If you would like to discuss menopausal symptoms and consider treatment options for this, please request a routine appointment with a clinician.
Antenatal Care
Community midwives coordinate antenatal care locally. If you are pregnant and need to arrange a booking in appointment please contact the midwifery team directly. You can now self refer online here to arrange your initial booking in appointment or to read further information visit the York Hospital website.