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Breast Screening
North Yorkshire Breast Screening
What is Breast screening?
The National breast screening service is free and all women aged from 50 years up to their 71st birthday are invited for breast screening every 3 years. NHS breast screening uses X-rays, called mammograms, to look for cancers that are too small to see or feel. More information on the NHS website or see the Easy-read guide to breast screening.
How do I get an appointment?
When the screening service is in your area you will receive a letter inviting you for breast screening. Please ensure we have your correct contact details so you can receive your invite. If you are overdue and have recently registered with the practice or have moved to the area please contact the breast screening team on 01904 725590 01904 725591 or email NorthYorkshire.BreastScreeningService@YORK.NHS.UK to arrange an appointment.
> Please note, women over 71years old may self-refer.
> Please remain breast aware. If you notice any changes that are unusual for you, contact the practice for an appointment as soon as you can.