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Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing Day

What is #SocialPrescribingDay? 

Social Prescribing Day is an annual celebration of the people, organisations and communities who make social prescribing happen. Since 2019, thousands of local, national and international organisations, link workers, medical professionals, academics and students have taken part across the world.

Social Prescribers (also known as Primary Care Link Workers) are part of the Social Prescribing Team at York CVS. The Primary Care Link Workers are social prescribers based in GP surgeries across York, working alongside individuals to get to know them, and ultimately help them improve their health and wellbeing.

Often people access their GP for what is primarily a social issue, (e.g. loneliness, isolation, financial problems), social prescribing helps provide individuals with an alternative to medical intervention. The team are well placed to address the root cause of these difficulties, and are able to meet individuals in their surgery or out in the community, wherever an individual prefers.

This is a non-judgemental service to support individuals to make small changes, that could make a big impact on their quality of life. If you would like to access this service or find out more call 01904 437911.

See their leaflet here:

Why work with a social prescriber?

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