We know that a number of our patients are seeking injections for weight loss privately. We wanted to highlight a recent FSRH update regarding contraception. https://fsrh.org/Common/Uploaded%20files/documents/Patient-information-GLP-1-agonists-and-contraception.pdf ▶️ I am taking the pill. Will using a GLP-1 agonist affect my contraception? This depends on the type of GLP-1 agonist that you are using. If you are using tirzepatide you should use a barrier method of contraception (e.g. condoms) in addition to your pill for four weeks after starting the medication, and for four weeks after any increase in dose. This is because tirzepatide works slightly differently to the other GLP-1 agonists. Alternatively, you may wish to consider another (non-oral) method of contraception whilst using tirzepatide. There is currently no evidence that semaglutide, exenatide, liraglutide, dulaglutide or lixisenatide reduce the effectiveness of oral contraception (i.e. the combined pill, or the progestogen only pill/ “mini-pill”). ▶️ Can I take a GLP-1 agonist during pregnancy? It is important to use effective contraception whilst taking a GLP-1 agonist, as these medications should not be used in pregnancy. If you become pregnant whilst taking one of these medications it is important to discuss this with your doctor. GLP-1 agonists should also be avoided for a number of weeks prior to a planned pregnancy.
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Urgent care appointments
Urgent care appointments
We have experienced high demand for same day/urgent appointments in the last few weeks. It is important that each GP is able to assess and see see a safe number of patients (recommended number is 25 per day). This helps prevent burnout and ensures high quality safe care. Some GPs see more than double this number, which is not safe. It is important to us to look after our staff and ensure they have time and capacity to look after patients without feeling rushed or under pressure.
We know that it can be really frustrating when you cannot get an appointment when you want or need it. When we reach an unsafe level of cases we will sometimes have to signpost patients with an urgent problem to other services such as NHS111, physiotherapy or community pharmacy.
We want to prioritise seeing the most in need and will do what we can to ensure we triage and prioritise the most unwell or most at risk/vulnerable.
Very occasionally when demand is at extremely high levels, we may need to turn to prioryCARE form off. We know this is not ideal for our patients but it is one way that we can help our clinical manage the high demand for appointments each day. Patients can still phone us on 01904 404100 or come to the reception desks and the team will take you through a series of questions just like the online form. If you have an urgent need and unable to reach us, please contact NHS111 for advice. In this scenario, patients are still able to request their repeat prescriptions and fit notes using the prioryCARE form.
We have recently recruited five new GPs who started in August/September to replace GPs who have retired or relocated. We are excited to have three more newly qualified GPs starting with us in December/January as well. This will allow us to provide more routine appointments and reduce the waiting time for these. Sadly there just isn't the funding in general practice to keep recruiting more and more GPs to cope with the increasing demand for our services.
How can you help?
If you have a minor/viral illness, please consider using the NHS website or asking your local community pharmacy for advice. In January 2024 a new service was launched which allows pharmacies to treat more minor illnesses without the need for a prescription, this includes urine infections (cystitis) in women, ear infections in children, tonsillitis, sinusitis, impetigo, shingles and infected insect bites. You can read more about Pharmacy First here.
If you have a joint or musculoskeletal problem and want to access some exercises or speak to a physiotherapist, use the Your Physio website to see useful stretches, advice and to self-refer to physio.
If you have a dental problem, please contact your registered dentist. If you are not registered with a dentist, please contact NHS111 and they can arrange emergency dental treatment as needed.
Please be reassured we continue to offer a mixture of routine (pre-booked) and urgent (same day) contacts across our sites. At times of high demand you may be sign posted to NHS111 etc if we have reached capacity. You can contact NHS111 online or by phone 24/7.