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We continue to experience extremely high demand for urgent same day appointments today. Our teams are working really hard to manage the high demand as best we can. If you have an urgent problem today please use community pharmacy or NHS111 if you are able to. We want to ensure our appointments are reserved for those most in need. Please call 01904 404100 if you have an urgent problem as our prioryCARE form has been turned off for any new requests

Our Team

A photo showing a pharmacist using a computer#TeamPMG

General Practice has grown and changed a lot in the last 10 years; it is now much more than GPs and nurses. We are proud that #TeamPMG are made up of a broad multi-disciplinary clinical team and a number of supporting non-clinical teams. Our clinical team is made up of a number of different clinicians with varied expertise and experience and we want our patients to be seen by the right clinician, in the right time frame.

Who might you see:

  • Doctors: We have a number of GPs working across PMG, usually based at one site
  • Nursing Team: Healthcare Assistants (HCA), Nursing Associates (NA), Practice Nurses, Specialist Nurses and Advance Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) all provide a wide range of appointments depending on their level of training and expertise
  • Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP): Come from a range of professional backgrounds such as nursing, pharmacy, paramedics and occupational therapy. They are healthcare professionals who have undertaken further training to expand their roles and scope of practice.
  • Pharmacists: They undertake medication reviews and have under taken further training in specific areas eg hypertension, cholesterol and HRT reviews
  • Musculoskeletal Practitioners: physiotherapists with advanced training. They can assess, diagnose and treat a wide range a joint/muscular problems.
  • Mental Health Practitioners: support patients with symptoms of mental health illness; they can offer advice, recommend treatments and signpost to local services
  • Physician Associates: see patients in surgery with minor illness under the supervision of a GP partner. They can support the teams with management of some long term conditions
  • Social Prescribers (or link worker): are able to give our patients time to focus on what matters to them. They can support people to take control of their health and wellbeing in a number of ways

Whichever way you contact us; online using the prioryCARE form, by phone or at one of our reception desks, we ask that you provide us with enough information to ensure your problem is directed to an appropriate member of the clinical team. Our Patient Care Navigators (formerly known as Receptionists) and Patient Central team based at our call centre are all highly trained and will ask only necessary questions that will help us manage your clinical problem in the safest way.

We are a training practice; this means you might meet HYMS undergraduate medical students and training postgraduate clinicians across our sites. Our experienced clinical staff members provide close supervision to any one in training.

We have a large non-clinical team, all supporting our patients in a variety of ways e.g. secretaries, coders and digital care coordinators.

A closer look at some of our staff roles:

David Alderson

MSK specialists are Physiotherapists with advanced skills and are here to help with a range of joint or limb problems. We can help you best if you describe a bit about the problem to our call handler or on our online system.

You can choose “back, bone, joint, muscle problem” tile on the prioryCARE form to send an MSK request.

It’s useful to know how and when it started (for example, pulled thigh muscle gardening 2 weeks ago) and if you’ve ever had this problem before.

David Alderson

Lead MSK Specialist

Jill Bargate

The prescription admin team deal with prescription requests and queries.

We often get asked how long it takes for queries to be addressed; it is important to be aware that it can take up to 7 days to review and action a medication query as sometimes our in-house pharmacists need to provide input. Do remember that it can take 48 hours+ for your community pharmacy to process your prescription once we have sent it to them electronically. Allow plenty of time.

If you request a prescription you will be contacted if there is a problem with it (by text or phone). If you do not hear anything assume it has been issued.

To help us, it would be great if you could ensure we have your up to date contact details. We often send text messages if you are due a blood test or BP check as part of your medication monitoring.

Where possible use the NHSapp, prioryCARE form or SystmOnline account to request your prescription.

Jill Bargate

Prescription Admin Team Leader

Olivia Kirkham

Physician Associates (PAs) are healthcare professionals with a generalist medical education. We work alongside doctors and other members of the multidisciplinary team to help diagnose, assess, and care for patients. We are dependent practitioners who work under the supervision of an experienced GP.

The Physician Associate role was introduced to increase numbers of the medical workforce and help reduce the healthcare workload. We work across the different surgeries within Priory Medical Group.

Olivia Kirkham

Physician Associate


Hi, I am Rana, a GP at Priory Medical Group. I was a GP trainee at Priory and then qualified as a GP in December 2021. Being a newly qualified GP, I have taken on board changing patterns of working with the Covid-19 pandemic. The world is changing in front of us and we, as well as our patients are having to change our practices. This is challenging, as well as exciting.

Medicine is constantly evolving and I am learning something new every day myself. This is why, you and me both, should be keeping an eye on evidence based medicine for the most up to date guidelines. A general practitioner is expected to know something about everything and this is the beauty of the work I do. A GP is one member of the wider multidisciplinary team and I work as part of teamPMG to ensure that we provide you the best care possible. Outside of work, I like playing cricket, running and have just completed my first Yorkshire marathon!"

Dr Rana

Salaried GP


I am Aisha. I am the Pharmacy Team Leader at Priory Medical Group. Myself and the team manage your medicines queries. Our role involves clinically reviewing your medication, reviewing your blood pressure medicines and making the necessary changes and also other specialist conditions for your long term conditions such as heart failure, thyroid medicines and diabetes. Please request to speak to us via KLINIK about any issues with your medications.

Aisha Majothi

Pharmacy Team Leader