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We continue to experience extremely high demand for urgent same day appointments today. Our teams are working really hard to manage the high demand as best we can. If you have an urgent problem today please use community pharmacy or NHS111 if you are able to. We want to ensure our appointments are reserved for those most in need. Please call 01904 404100 if you have an urgent problem as our prioryCARE form has been turned off for any new requests

Gender Identity Services

Leeds Gender Identity Clinic

Leeds Gender Identity Service accept referrals for patients aged 17+ from our practice and they also accept self-referrals.  Referrals can be made using the form found on their website

PMG will not take on any new requests for shared care agreements (SCA) for Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence. As a local system, we have raised concerns about patient safety in the absence of a funded, formal shared care agreement process with NHSE, as unmonitored hormone prescribing can cause serious complications to a patient's health. See policy on our prescribing page.

Patients already on hormone therapy will continue to be reviewed, but should complications or concerns arise- the medication may need to be stopped or reduced and re-referral back to the Leeds Specialist Clinic- as there is no current SCA support for Prescribers.