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We continue to experience extremely high demand for urgent same day appointments today. Our teams are working really hard to manage the high demand as best we can. If you have an urgent problem today please use community pharmacy or NHS111 if you are able to. We want to ensure our appointments are reserved for those most in need. Please call 01904 404100 if you have an urgent problem as our prioryCARE form has been turned off for any new requests

Mental Health

Mental health support

NHS Talking Therapies (previous known as IAPT) is a national NHS programme designed to offer talking therapy treatments recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

Significant events like bereavement, unemployment, relationship breakdown, traumatic events or even stress at work can lead to difficulties requiring help and support. Problems with low mood and anxiety can develop and make it difficult for us to cope with life’s daily demands.

To make sure that the York and Selby Talking Therapies (previously known as IAPT) service is right for you, patients over the aged 16 can complete a self-referral form online here or by telephone Monday-Friday 9am-5pm on 01904 556840. Assessments are undertaken over the phone, although alternative arrangements can be made if required. At the end of the assessment, they will discuss what help is available within the service. Where IAPT is not the most suitable service they can signpost you to alternatives where available.

In a mental health emergency you can contact the crisis team using the freephone telephone number 0800 0516 171.

Support for your memory

  • Nimbuscare run a York’s Brain Health Café at Acomb Garth Community Care Centre every Friday (except bank holidays) 10am – 12pm. Anyone who has any concerns about their memory or wants to know more about how to keep their brain healthy can attend. You may have been invited by your GP or the Memory Clinic, or you may have just seen it and want to come along. Everyone is welcome. More information here.

Also see our dedicated page on local Mental Health support.