We ran our first NHS App training session on 12th December and are looking forward to scheduling further sessions. We can help you register and support you to navigate the NHSapp. ppg@priorymedical.com to learn more about future dates and book in. If you have any relatives or friends that might find this useful, ask them to get in touch.
Physio, Podiatry and Pain
Physiotherapy & Podiatry
Patients can self-refer to the musculoskeletal (physio) service via the Your Physio website. The website has a number of useful leaflets and videos about joint and muscular conditions and it guides you through the self-referral process.
The NHS podiatry service in York and Selby locality is provided by the Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust via White Cross Court and other local community clinics. Patients can now self refer to use this service where appropriate. For more information on what conditions they can treat and to arrange a referral - visit their website here.
If you have been referred to the Pain Clinic, you may experience a wait of 10-12 months. They have developed a useful resource full of support for patients with chronic pain, including: pacing, guidance on limitations of pain medication for chronic pain, exercises, affect on mood and wellbeing. Visit their website here.